Get Inspired and Find Your Path of Abundance

Earlier today an old classmate of mine indirectly told me about this, and as I told him, it immediately rang a bell inside me.  It instantly stuck me as something in perfect alignment with the things I believe.

I had to learn more about this and so then and there I started searching online for information.  Besides doing some necessary chores today it has consumed my day and I am happy for that.  Thanks Ken!

Intoku, as I understand it, is Japanese (noun) that means good done in secret, specifically the act of doing good secretly, for its own sake.

This is about doing something good and expecting nothing in return.  No thanks, no reward, no accolades, no nothing except the joy inside you for doing good.

This kind of action really speaks to the concept of you get what you give from and to the Universe.  I believe this is also the type of giving that most Law of Attraction teachers talk about – giving for the sake of giving because it feels good with no expectation of return.  It’s the kind of action that starts and keeps the flow of abundance going through you.

I have written in the past about gift giving and how, if it is truly a gift, you don’t need to hear “thank you” because the joy and gift of giving is the giving.

I have thought about this often as I see medical buildings donated and named after this wealthy person, or sports arenas named after that wealthy person, or charities named after the other wealthy person.  I’m sure most of us would get a thrill to see our name on something significant, something that betters society, and I certainly don’t fault them for what they have done.  A medical building donated with a name attached is as good as any, and surely better than nothing.  This, however, isn’t gift giving.  It’s trading.  They are trading money for a name on a building or bridge or charity.  Giving, in the spirit of Intoku, does not get a name attached.

There was a story today on the news about a “secret Santa” going to stores and paying off people’s lay away purchases without being named.  That is Intoku.  Whoever did this has not and hopefully will not step forward and say, “it was me” but rather will glow from inside knowing they have touched so many lives in a good way with a secret act of kindness.  Intoku.

Intoku Challenge:

I challenge you to do two things this holiday season…

Number one is to spread the word about this challenge so that more people read it and do it, and then…

Go do some good done in secret, and glow inside knowing you have brought more love into the Universe

Alan Grant

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