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Posts tagged ‘truth’

Not New But Still True

The original edition of the Emerald Tablet, ex...

We live in a time when right thinking and truth are categorized as “new age” when in fact it is not by any means new to think that all of this that we call reality comes from thought, from within.

We exist in a Universe of the mind.  This is the truth of our existence.

“It is easier to perceive error than to find truth, for the former lies on the surface and is easily seen, while the latter lies in the depth, where few are willing to search for it.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thousands of years ago Jesus walked the earth and taught that life comes from within and is possible because of a presence called God.  Thousand of years before Jesus there were ancient civilizations that flourished from the same ideals, this same truth:

  • There is a presence within humans that gave us and gives us life
  • Man has given this presence many different names (labels) and they all represent the same thing: a higher power
  • We can communicate with this higher power through our thoughts and feelings
  • This higher power communicates with us and guides us toward the physical creation of our thoughts and feelings

This is not new thinking.  This thinking was not introduced to the world in 2006 with the movie The Secret as you may have heard people say.  This way of thinking has been around for thousands of years, and it is truth.

Alan G

Is This Love?

Giovanni Baglione. Sacred Love Versus Profane ...

Image via Wikipedia

Sometimes it seems like people don’t want to hear the truth and would rather take comfort in “feel good” sayings that miss the mark on the truth about life, but here goes…

Love is NOT supposed to hurt.

If you  are hurting and think its love, it’s not.  You’re doing it wrong.  I know songs and television and your friends and even your own experiences tell you that love stinks and love hurts, but that isn’t real.  That isn’t the truth.  It’s not the love that hurts, it’s turning away from love that hurts.

The Truth

Love is joy, happiness, sharing, giving, complimentary to every aspect of life, and love always feels good.  If you are hurting you are not loving.  Period.  At that moment you have taken your focus away from what you want (love) and have given your attention and energy to what you don’t what – and that is what hurts and why it hurts, but it isn’t love.

So please, if you hurt stop giving love a bad name.  Love never hurts.  Never.

Oh, and if you are hurting now take comfort in knowing I love you,  no matter who you are, no matter where you are, even if you think you don’t love me too.

Alan Grant